Thursday, May 3, 2012

Water you waiting for?

One more post about Thinkgeek!  I found one more set that I think could help students understand the idea of hydraulics.  Alongside the idea of the Engineering Process and cause/effect, the Hydrodynamic Building Set can allow students to develop their own projects to better understand the ideas of gravity, liquids, and other scientific laws.  While better in lower level grade,s this method could work as well in the high school range.  I personally think this is a great way to allow students to become involved in toll usage, as well as testing theories and principles.  Overall, students are able to freely express themselves with this technology.

TO WAR....for physics...

One of my favorite websites is  I love looking at all of the cool gadgets they have for sale.  I recently found a fun catapult toy which will help teach physics lessons.  The direct link to the toy will be at the bottom of this post.  I find this idea fun because it can help teach students the Engineering Process, as well as how to judge and evaluate trajectory.  Overall, small, fun lessons like these can use both computer technology and mesh it together with old world technology to provide for a great lesson!

Live Animals...?

While not cutting edge technology, having live animals in the classroom is an important part of learning for biology.  One of the science standards involves teaching students how to properly care for living specimens.  One method to do this is to have young children raise animals within the classroom.  This website, provides information on how to raise wood frogs.  I personally believe that learning how to raise animals is an important part of any person's education.  Not only does it teach responsibility, but it also achieves the needs of the standard.  I would love to have my students raise frogs, which are generally low maintenance.  How do you feel about animals in the classroom?

Online experiments!

I know I posted prior about computerized dissections, but I recently found something even more interesting.  SimBio offers an entire line of online experiments.  These computerized experiments can cover grades k-12, as well as college level.  While I still cannot agree with the idea of completely virtual experiments, I feel that this method of learning could be viable in some instances.  For students who just wish to complete the assignment and do not wish to further their learning in the sciences, this is an efficient method of ensures the student can clearly see the outcome.  However, for those who wish to pursue a career in science it is important to handle the experiments hands on.  How does everyone else feel about computerized experiments in the classroom?

Online News Articles

As a science major it is important to keep up to date with developing technology.  I think some websites can really help people keep on top of things like this.  One website I found that is really interesting is  This site compiles data from colleges across the nation.  I think as a teacher I would definitely have my students follow this site.  I have found tons of interesting material on this site to supplement research projects in the past.

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Final Project

               The “Atlantic Sea Scallop Design Challenge” unit plan touches on a few points which hit close to home.  Designed for ninth and tenth graders, this week long lesson plan focuses on human pollution, its effect on the oceanic environment, the importance of scallops as a part of American industry, and the engineering process as a whole.  In practice, the lesson itself calls for two days of lecture, one day of model demonstration, one day of student planning/construction, and a final day of experimental assessment.  Each session will be shortened to forty-five minutes instead of the proposed fifty minutes.  By the end of the week students should be able to correctly carry out the steps involved in the engineering design process, as well as test their designs.  This knowledge is accompanied by the understanding of how dredging changes the environment and its resulting casual effects on the ecosystem as a whole.
                The first standard addressed in this lesson plan involves the construction of evidence-based models in order to pose theories and interpretation of data.  This section of the lesson will revolve around lecture which will be supplemented with both videos discussing dredging as a process as well as how pollution affects the ecosystem.  In order to properly discuss these videos and their implications classroom discussion will be used to construct a diagram of key points witnessed in both the videos and lecture on a smartboard.  By the end of this session, students should be able to construct their own charts on pollution and the effects of dredging.
                The next standard tackled in the lesson plan focuses on data analysis and dissecting cause and effect relationships.  In order to accomplish this, a lecture on the effects of pollution on the ecosystem as a whole, and on scallops, will be held.  Like the standard above, these steps will be met through the use of videos, diagrams/models, and graphic organizers created through group discussion on the smartboard.  It is important that students understand the effects of pollution and dredging before the lesson continues.  Therefore, I chose these methods of visual depictions for a shock value factor.  Seeing the actual effects will hopefully aid in student comprehension.
                In order to understand the third standard in this unit plan it is essential that students have completed the components of the prior standard.  In this instance, students must represent ideas through literal interpretations.  In order to approach the dredging challenge, this session will focus on the sources of pollutants, the importance of scallops in American economics, and the engineering process.  A group discussion will be held on possible sources of pollution which will be compiled into a graphic organizer.  This will then be compared to the data collected from internet based research groups for oceanic conservation.  A supplementary demonstration of how pollutants spread will be completed through the use of an oceanic model.  In this instance, food coloring will be introduced to a fish tank which represents an ocean ecosystem.  Students will visually see how pollutants permeate the ecosystem.  Finally, the importance of scallops in industry, as well as the process of developmental engineering will be touched upon.  Students should understand the basics of designing tools with the engineering process by the end of this lesson.
                The fourth standard involves peer interaction in order to understand topics.  After a brief dredging demonstration using the ecosystem model from the prior session, students will be divided into groups to design their own dredges.  By using the engineering process students must work together in an effort to create a less environmentally damaging method of dredging.  By the end of the session students will have a sketch of their design, as well as time to build their dredge with the supplied materials listed within the lesson plan.
                The final standard addressed in this lesson plan includes proper tool use demonstration and ethical handling of animal specimens.  During this session students will complete construction of their dredges so that their implementation can be assessed.  Students will physically dredge the model ecosystem for scallops.  In this experiment the scallops will not be living scallops, but should still be treated as if they were as they are animal specimens.  After the dredges are tested a group discussion will focus on what aspects of the dredges worked, and which didn’t, in order to create an ideal dredge. 
                The majority of this lesson plan revolves around video depictions and tool usage in order to understand the relationships between ecosystems and pollution.  By the end of this unit students should be able to appropriately design, construct, and test tools.  Furthermore, students should understand how their actions affect the environment around them, supporting an effort for more eco-friendly processed to be developed.

Link to Spreadsheet

Link to Lesson Plan

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Montessori Method

On a completely different note from my last post, I'm curious as to how people feel about this.  Montessori schools focus on allowing students to learn their own way, allowing the child to find their own path to the objective.  While not exactly a technological application to the classroom currently, this could change with the increased reliance on gadgets in today's world.  How do you feel about this teaching method?

Here is a video explaining some of the ideas of the Montessori Method:

Computerized dissections: For those who don't want to get messy, but still want to take things apart.

So, I was browsing the internet the other day when I came across this website:  Camcor offers a variety of programs which mimic the dissections completed within biology classrooms.  I found this to be an interesting concept, as it would cut down on expenses in the long run for many lab classes.  Students no longer have to worry about getting messy, or grossed out, by cutting apart an animal.  One would think this is a great innovation.

However, I have to disagree with that concept.  As a biology major I've realized that even if dissections are seen as gross, and in extreme cases barbaric, there's something more too them than just looking for organs.  The actual process, the exploration and hands on approach, is what helps you learn the anatomy of the specimen.  While I think a computerized option is a great secondary, I feel that I would not learn as much without the intimate level involved with a hands on dissection.  Don't get me wrong, I have complete respect for life itself and cannot stand people who do not take care of the specimens, but I think it's a necessary act for learning in biology.  Maybe it's just a bio major thing, or perhaps having a family of hunters, but I'd much rather work on a lab specimen than on a computer. 

In the end, I think this technology is a great way to get students involved in the process, to ready them for actual lab work.  However, I do not think it should become our new standard in regards to replacing actual specimens.  It may be archaic, and some may think it's barbaric, but honestly, it is something most serious students of science would mourn the loss of.

While a different company, here is a video of a virtual dissection:

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Interactivity #5

The teacher I interviewed works in Brick Township.  This instructor teaches both freshman and junior level biology classes.  When I first addressed the concept of NETS-S and NETS-T the teacher I interviewed had a few interesting things to say in regards to the topic.  While he had heard of both NETS-S and NETS-T, he told me that while he had heard of both, Brick Township barely implements them.  While the concept is an interesting one, and an aim that we should look to, it would appear that Brick Township has neither the funds, nor the training to properly administer lessons geared towards these standards.  This was made clear during my interview.  During my interview session, the teacher in question told me that while he would like to find a way to implement these standards, his classroom only has two computers in it, and only one of these computers actually works.  In a class of thirty or more freshman, one computer is simply not enough to go around.  Furthermore, the one computer lab in the entire high school only has ten computers, which is still not enough for one class, let alone the entire high school of over two thousand teenagers.  Having attended this high school myself, I can attest to the severe lack of technology that is available to students.  Another big issue with NETS-S and NETS-T is that there is a severe lack of NETS-A.  According to the teacher I interviewed, he had not heard a single administrator actually discuss the idea of NETS at all.  Instead, a few of the business teachers had taken it upon themselves to look into the standards.  While the teacher I questioned said that Brick Township claims to use NETS, they really do not.  While teachers and administrators are horribly lacking in knowledge of NETS, the main problem would still be funding.  While knowledge and proper training certainly is important, not having the means to carry out NETS is a hindrance.  In science it would be interesting to have computerized lab experiments, interactive videos and models, but without money to purchase the materials this is impossible.  As the budget for Brick has failed miserably the past few years the school district is hard strapped for cash, and has already closed down a few elementary schools to save money.  To be honest, I was not really surprised at all by the fact that my old school district does not implement NETS well, or at all.  Having come from Brick Township, I am well aware of both the financial issue involved, as well as the lack of administration support.  While I would openly discuss the standards and how to implement them in the future, I fear that ignorance and neglect from the administration would prevent proper implementation from occurring.

Google Spreadsheet:

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Technology In The Classroom

During my time as a student I have noticed that many professors (and teachers) seem to rely very heavily on powerpoint.  While powerpoint is an easy way to pass on information to students, I feel that powerpoint has become the go to method for lecturing.  The scariest part of this is that in the various math classes I have to take for my major (I'm looking at you chemistry and physics...) the professors prefer to read off of their powerpoint slides instead of carrying out calculations on the board.  I have to say, I feel that the prevalence of technology in the classroom is actually making it harder for students to learn.  When we stop actually performing the tasks, and simply talk about them, how could you possibly learn how to do anything?

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Interactivity #4

I have always had an interest in astronomy and the finer points of outer space.  That interest is what primarily led me to using the Eye in the Sky lesson plan that I found.  I also felt that the lesson plan itself used a variety of technological tools which would help facilitate learning.  However, upon review I discovered that the learning unit itself did not contain many clear cut goals and objectives.  While the process was laid out, the author left the reader struggling to figure out just what should be accomplished by the student.  It took a lot of thinking on my part to figure out just what could be viably completed through this lesson, and then narrow these goals down to ones that were more relevant to the grade level.  I feel that, as this lesson plan is heavily laden with tools, focusing on the ideas of data gathering and models for evaluation and reflection were the most appropriate roads to follow in this aspect.  The technology itself is essential for the completion of the lesson assignments, however it is important to keep in mind the fact that gathering data isn’t the end of learning.  That is why I added in the points of reflection and multiple forms of discussion amongst the class and individuals.  With all of the different assignments and objectives within this learning unit I feel that time must be taken to analyze what has been gathered before continuing on to each new segment.  As such, while I did like the lesson as a whole, I feel it is lacking in allotted room for analysis and time for critical thinking.

URL to Spread Sheet:

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Interactivity 3

Let’s be honest, no one likes group assignments.  Could you imagine my face when I learned that our next interactivity would not only be online, but an online, group assignment?  I thought the task would go down in flames, but I am presently surprised to see that I was wrong.  While collaboration took time, it was interesting to see the mix between online work and meeting in person.  I can be thankful that science students are used to working together on a regular basis.  This made group collaboration much easier.  After individual research was completed, we convened to share our work and form the list of technology.  The layout of our spreadsheet was reached through an open discussion think tank.  In regards to the list itself, I have to say I’m proud of it.  I think nearly all of our examples of technology are very strong.  Due to the huge content held under the heading of “science” it was easy to find examples of technology that do not overlap with each other to a significant extent.  Utilizing such technologies could be very helpful in the future when we are teaching.  Any technology which can facilitate learning should be strongly considered when preparing the classroom.  This list can be used in both Curr316 and Read411 as springboards for both lesson plans and paper ideas.  By having an available list of tools at hand it should be much easier to make fun, and interesting, lesson plans.  Hopefully, knowledge such as this will make us better teachers in the future.

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Interactivity 2

I have to say, this is how I first felt in biology before I started using computers to understand the material.

One of the greatest technological advances for Biology was the computer.  One can view this development from two points of view: the classroom, and the world of scientific discovery.  Both of these areas tie in very closely, but for explanation purposes I'll start with the latter and end with the former.

Research and discovery within the science world has always been dependent on the acquisition and understanding of data.  The more data you can get you hands on, and the faster you can process it, the quicker you can rule out, and zero in on, possible answers.  The common practice prior to the development of the computer was to work in private research groups, sharing developments at conferences sporadically throughout the year.  The sharing of knowledge was so difficult that many times scientists wouldn't even know if someone was searching for the same answers a few towns over.  However, in the past few decades, the computer has been a great asset in both data computation and information sharing.  With the growing capabilities of computers, and the internet, scientists were able to design computer programs which would handle the mathematics of data.  This is a great boon, considering in the past all results had to be found by hand.  Also, the internet has allowed fellow researchers to stay in contact much more easily than in prior history.  Biologists searching for the same answers could collaborate with each other any time they wanted to.  This is a great change from the rare conferences they would attend as history will tell us.  On a whole, the computer can be seen as a tool which greatly influenced many of the biological advances we have been graced with in the past few decades.
A perfect example of how computers aid researchers.

The computer has also strongly influenced biology in the classroom.  The idea of data computation in the classroom falls in line next to that of the research perspective.  However, one topic that should not be overlooked is the availability of both lesson plans, and lab experiments, on the internet.  Teachers who had a computer within their school would be able to write up lesson plans, lab protocols, and directions in a much neater way than by hand.  Take a lab experiment for one example.  If the directions are not clear, someone could get hurt.  The availability of a word processor would help prevent mistakes like this.  Also, once the internet was available, teachers could look online for ideas to help pass on knowledge within the classroom.  The different ways to present topics could help many students understand the material.  Finally, the computer, and the internet, helped students by allowing them to see what is out there.  Students could see the new developments as they were found, they could see the ways people saw the world, and they could find different ways to understand their own world. 
A teacher using a computer in the 1980's as a word processor.

Even today, the computer is a great asset.  With the development of computer programs which can simulate dissections and other experiments a student can computer labs with ease.  The amount of knowledge at our fingertips is immense.  All you need to do is run a simple search engine in today's world and you are flooded by the new experiments and discoveries scientists find on a daily basis.
An example of what we can use computers to simulate in today's world.