Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Interactivity 1

Part 1:
Cellphone, laptop, and Zune.

Part 2:
As a teacher I feel it is important to know not only how heavily children like Olivia may rely on technology, but also what type of websites they may frequent.  This is do mostly in part to the fact that students who have access to technology may use it as more of a distraction than as an aid.  Those who are extremely technologically advanced have the ability to run multiple programs at once.  Even I am guilty of having many programs on my computer at once when I'm online.  For example, as a current student, at any given time I have the following programs open: Firefox, Skype, Zune Launcher, and Steam.  While I may not be using these programs at the time, the fact that they're still running is a constant distraction.  I can only imagine how distracting it would be for younger students to have access to so many temptations.  As such, I feel I would need to know the limitations I should put upon her technological freedoms in the classroom.
Now, I am not saying that I think technology couldn’t be a useful tool for learning.  In fact, I think it would be safe to say that tools like laptops could be a great aid in education.  The internet is a quick way to look up any topics that you do not understand during lectures.  Furthermore, some students, like myself, have very sloppy handwriting.  Using a laptop to type notes makes it much easier to go back a reread what was covered.  Often times I find myself more willing to read my notes on the computer because they are so neat and legible.  When I used to handwrite all of my notes I would never look back on them because I couldn’t decipher half the words!  As such, I believe it is important for students to have access to technology for learning, but I feel that the time which is permitted should be limited.  For example, during time in which school work is to be completed, access to technology like phones and laptops should be kept to a strictly dire need basis only.  This prevents the chance of total distractions from social sites such as Facebook.  However, on the opposite side of the argument, during extra time students should be allowed to supplement their learning via the internet.
Part 3:
Much like the students in the videos, I use my phone as my main form of communication.  If I am not actually talking to someone in person, odds are I am texting them.  I constantly have my phone on me and I feel naked without it.  I am also akin to these students in the fact that I consistently have my laptop on me at all times.  Whether I am at my apartment, in class, or waiting for class to begin, odds are I have my laptop up and running.  I would have to say that my laptop is the one piece of technology which has sculpted my life the most.  I use my laptop for nearly everything I do during the day.  I am afraid to say that without my laptop I do not know if I could function effectively in society.  During classes I use my laptop for taking notes and looking up topics I do not understand.  Outside of lecture I either check my email, Facebook, or look up articles on websites such as The New York Times or Futurity.  Unlike the students, when I am not in my classes I use my laptop to research scientific topics that interest me.  Finally, while some students may use the internet as a distraction, I use it as a way to keep my attention focused and active by looking up topics from the lesson.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Alex,
    I commend you for finding an alternative way to take better notes that will aid you in school. I agree that technology is a distraction, and yet at the same time it is helpful for accessing information. As future educators, I think it will be challenging to find a balance between the use of basic technology (pens, books, pencils, etc.) and advanced technology (computers, projectors, internet, etc.). Although computers in the classroom can be distracting, when monitored properly, they can enhance learning and make a lesson more fun. In turn, students will become motivated and enjoy learning. Since you use the internet as a way to stay focused, you will probably be able to teach your students how to do the same.

  3. Alex, I always love reading your work. You have a way of writing that is a combination of interesting yet non-intimidating. I, like you, can not function without having my laptop within ten feet of me at all times. I appreciated your input about how laptops are great for writing papers and taking notes since bad handwriting can indeed cause a hindrance in understanding and motivation.
    The world of the internet is a great place to research a gamut of topics which may interest the reader. Having access to thousands upon thousands of websites is likely to be one of the greatest privileges that we as a people have been granted. Without this sort of access, I do not believe out lives would be as simple they are. I also agree with you thoughts on technology in the classroom. Students should not be using their cell phones during class, even if it not being an interruption to the class. Texting while the teacher is teaching will only hinder anyone's ability to create an understanding of the material.

  4. Alex,

    Part 1: Your choice of technology is similiar to my own. The only difference I have is instead of Zune, I have an IPod; they still serve the same purpose.

    Part 2: It is extremely important to know what websites they visit during their homework and exactly how they spend their time on the computer. Just because they do homeowrk or take notes in class via their computer doesn't mean they are necessarily browsing websites such as Facebook and Tumblr.

    Part 3: Your statement about having your computer shape your life is one that concerns many of the student population of America. Many students use the computer for various reasons, and all of these reasons shape a person's character, whether they recognize this fact or not. A person's Facebook profile becomes the person they are, even if they are an avid user of Facebook or use it solely for business and contact reasons. Also, I too feel that without my phone, I would not know what I would do. My phone, like my computer, is another way I communicate with people and without that connection with society, would not know what to do with myself. This was overall a fantastic blog to read.
